The Ultimate Guide to Quesarito Nutrition Facts

When it comes to indulging in Mexican-inspired fast food, Taco Bell’s Quesarito is a popular choice for many. This delectable creation combines the flavors of a burrito and a quesadilla, resulting in a mouthwatering combination of cheese, seasoned beef, rice, and creamy sauces. While the Quesarito is undeniably tasty, it’s essential to be aware of its nutritional content to make informed choices about your meal. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the nutrition facts of the Quesarito, highlighting key components and providing you with essential information for a well-balanced diet.

Quesarito Nutrition Facts

To understand the nutritional profile of the Quesarito, let’s take a closer look at its key components. The following table outlines the approximate nutrition facts for a regular-sized Quesarito:

Nutrient Amount per Serving
Calories 650
Total Fat 34g
Saturated Fat 12g
Trans Fat 1g
Cholesterol 60mg
Sodium 1380mg
Carbohydrates 56g
Dietary Fiber 4g
Sugars 4g
Protein 29g

Note: The nutritional values provided above are approximate and may vary based on individual servings and additional customizations.

Understanding the Nutrients

Calories and Macronutrients

A regular-sized Quesarito contains around 650 calories, making it a substantial meal option. It is important to consider your daily caloric intake and dietary goals when incorporating the Quesarito into your meal plan. The Quesarito is rich in both fats and carbohydrates, contributing to its overall calorie count. It also provides a moderate amount of protein, which is essential for muscle repair and overall body function.


The Quesarito contains approximately 34 grams of total fat, with 12 grams coming from saturated fat. While fat is an important macronutrient, excessive consumption of saturated fats may increase the risk of heart disease. It is recommended to limit saturated fat intake and choose healthier fat sources whenever possible.


One aspect to be mindful of when consuming the Quesarito is its sodium content. With 1380 milligrams per serving, the Quesarito contributes a significant portion of the recommended daily sodium intake. High sodium intake may lead to health concerns such as increased blood pressure. Balancing your sodium intake throughout the day is crucial, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions.

Carbohydrates and Fiber

The Quesarito provides approximately 56 grams of carbohydrates per serving. Carbohydrates are the body’s primary source of energy, but it’s important to choose complex carbohydrates that are rich in fiber. The Quesarito contains around 4 grams of dietary fiber, which helps promote digestion and can contribute to a feeling of fullness.


With 29 grams of protein, the Quesarito offers a decent amount of this essential macronutrient. Protein plays a vital role in repairing and building tissues, supporting immune function, and maintaining a healthy metabolism.

Customizing Your Quesarito

While the Quesarito comes with its standard ingredients, you have the option to customize it to suit your dietary preferences. Here are a few suggestions for making your Quesarito a healthier choice:


  1. Opt for Grilled Protein: Instead of the seasoned beef, consider choosing grilled chicken or steak as the protein option for your Quesarito. Grilled protein tends to be lower in fat and can be a healthier alternative.
  2. Load up on Veggies: Ask for extra vegetables such as lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and peppers to add more fiber and nutrients to your Quesarito. These additions can enhance the overall nutritional value of your meal.
  3. Choose Whole Grain Tortilla: If available, opt for a whole grain tortilla instead of the regular flour tortilla. Whole grains provide more fiber and nutrients, making your Quesarito a healthier choice.
  4. Control the Sauce: While the creamy sauces in the Quesarito add flavor, they can also be high in calories and fat. Request a lighter amount of sauce or ask for it on the side so that you can control the portion and reduce the overall calorie content.

Remember, customization options may vary based on location and availability. Be sure to communicate your preferences to the Taco Bell staff to create a Quesarito that aligns with your dietary goals.


The Quesarito is a delicious and indulgent menu item at Taco Bell, combining the flavors of a burrito and a quesadilla. While it is an enjoyable treat, being aware of its nutritional profile is essential for making informed choices about your diet. By understanding the Quesarito’s calorie content, macronutrients, and key components, you can incorporate it into your meal plan while maintaining a balanced diet.

Remember, moderation is key when enjoying indulgent foods like the Quesarito. If you’re concerned about the nutritional content, consider opting for healthier customizations and pairing your Quesarito with nutritious sides, such as a side salad or grilled vegetables.


Q: Can I make the Quesarito vegetarian or vegan?

A: Yes, Taco Bell offers vegetarian and vegan options. You can customize your Quesarito by replacing the meat with beans or opting for the “fresco style,” which replaces the cheese and sauces with pico de gallo.

Q: Are there any gluten-free options for the Quesarito?

A: Taco Bell does not offer gluten-free tortillas for the Quesarito. However, you can explore their other gluten-free menu items or consider ordering the Quesarito without the tortilla and enjoy the fillings separately.

Q: Can I reduce the sodium content in the Quesarito?

A: While you cannot directly control the sodium content of the Quesarito, you can reduce it by customizing your order. Requesting less sauce, skipping additional salt, and adding more vegetables can help reduce the overall sodium intake.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as professional medical or dietary advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized recommendations.

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